....Ep.07 | @meijuncai: the man born with all the ice breakers. ..Ep.07 | @meijuncai: el hombre nacido con todos los ice breakers. ....
Hi friends! It's Meijun your favorite co-host, the Chinese born Jamaican raised table tennis player art director currently living in Quito Ecuador with my Korean Meat Farm rescue dog and my Ecuadorian girlfriend, Estefi.
That’s how we opened this episode and it truly felt like he was coming for my job!
This episode is really fun, vulnerable and casual give it a listen.
These are the questions meijun answered:
Do you enjoy watching reality tv shows? If so, can you list your top 3.
Go to pickup line... #onlinedating
2.5 Did you ever use a dating app?
What is the most difficult thing about living in Ecuador? / Qué es lo más difícil de vivir en Ecuador?
Would you rather city mountain or ocean?
Motto you live by and tell yourself
Chicken or rice?
7.5 You would leave chicken for rice!!!
If you had to go on an island tomorrow what are your three items you’d take? and no, they can’t be people.
Who’s your celebrity crush?
What is something you admire about yourself?
Favorite memory of each place you've lived?
What is something you are working on this year, on yourself?
What is the most important lesson from this year?
….thank you for listening to me, thank you for letting me talk it out. ..gracias por escucharme, y gracias por dejarme conversarlo con ustedes….
….What was your favorite part of this episode?..¿Cuál fue tu parte favorita de este episodio?….